How to cook silverside in slow cooker

13 minutes, 46 seconds Read

Slow-cooked beef silverside cooked to perfection

You’re in for a real treat if you have never cooked a beef joint in your slow cooker. This silverside joint is moist, juicy, and perfect for cutting. You also get the best gravy from the same pot.

This recipe uses a beef joint known as a silverside roast, also called a rump. Silverside is named after the silvery membrane that covers the meat. The slow cooker is the perfect way to cook this joint, as it comes from the backquarter of a cow. It contains many connective fibers. Combining the slow, long cooking process with liquid stock will tenderize the meat to a melt-in-your-mouth level of tenderness and flavor.

Silverside can be cooked in an oven if you want to. However, it would take at least three hours of cooking on low heat. The cost of electricity is soaring at the moment. It’s more economical to use a slow cooker.

You’ll love it!

There are many reasons. What should I do first?

  • Silverside is a cheap cut of meat.
  • You can reduce your electricity bill by using a slow cooker.
  • The meat will be succulent and juicy, even if it is cooked a little longer than stated in the recipe.
  • It is so easy to make. Just layer some vegetables in the slow cooker, place the meat on top, and cover with stock. Then, forget it until it’s time to serve.
  • Make the best gravy with cooking juices.
  • Silverside is easy to cut into perfect slices.
  • Leftovers make delicious sandwiches.

How to cook silverside in a slow cooker


  • The following equipment is required:
    • slow cooker is what I use. It’s big enough to cook a large casserole that can easily serve eight people. A larger slow cooker will be necessary even if there are only two of you at home. The larger slow cookers use no more electricity, but they can cook whole chickens and joints of meat.
    • It’s hard to recommend one knife over another because everyone has different tastes. To help you find the knife you feel most comfortable using, I have included a link that will take you to a page with a variety of knives. To keep your blades sharp, I recommend you invest in a knife sharpener. A dull knife is the most dangerous thing you can have.
    • This set of three boards comes with a stand so you can keep them close at hand.
    • This set of silicone tongs is perfect for searing meat.
    • Use a small pan to make the gravy.


  • The following equipment is required:
      • slow cooker is what I use. It’s big enough to cook a large casserole that can easily serve eight people. A larger slow cooker will be necessary even if there are only two of you at home. The larger slow cookers use no more electricity, but they can cook whole chickens and joints of meat.
      • It’s hard to recommend one knife over another because everyone has different tastes. To help you find the knife you feel most comfortable using, I have included a link that will take you to a page with a variety of knives. To keep your blades sharp, I recommend you invest in a knife sharpener. A dull knife is the most dangerous thing you can have.
      • This set of three boards comes with a stand so you can keep them close at hand.
      • This set of silicone tongs is perfect for searing meat.
      • Use a small pan to make the gravy.


  • You will require:
      • A beef silverside joint – size depends on how many people you’re feeding. This post shows images of a smallish (700 grams/1.5 pounds) joint that was enough for four people.
      • Vegetables will be cooked with the beef in the stock and be used for the gravy. You’ll need an onion and carrot, as well as a celery stalk.
      • Stock — if you already have beef stock, you can use it. Otherwise, you’ll need to dissolve a beef cube into a cup full of boiling water.
      • Seasoning: salt and pepper according to taste, tomato puree, and Worcestershire sauce.

How to make it

  • I season the silverside first with black pepper and salt, then sear in some sunflower oil. Then, add it to the slow cooker. This seals in the juices and gives the meat a nice brown appearance.
  • The oil should be heated before adding the beef. Seal the meat on all sides and turn it with tongs until the meat is brown all over. It shouldn’t be more than two minutes per side.
  • While you prepare your vegetables, turn off the heat.
  • Cut the celery and onions into thin slices. Place them at the bottom of your slow cooker.


        • ▢ Silverside beef joint – 1 1/2 pounds / 700 grams
        • ▢ One medium onion
        • ▢ One medium carrot
        • ▢ Celery stalks 1
        • ▢ In 1 cup of boiling water, dissolve one beef stock cube or 1 cup of beef stock.
        • ▢ One tablespoon of tomato puree
        • ▢ One tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce
        • ▢ Salt and black pepper to your taste
        • ▢ Sunflower oil, two tablespoons for browning silverside


  • Sprinkle the silverside with black pepper and salt to taste.
        • Silverside beef joint, 1 1/2 pounds / 700 grams Salt and black pepper
  • Heat oil in a pan and sear meat from all sides. While preparing the vegetables, turn off the heat.
        • 2 Tablespoons Sunflower Oil
  • Cut the celery and onions into thin slices. Place them at the bottom of your slow cooker.
        • One medium onion, one medium carrot, one stalk of celery
        • Place the vegetables on top of the beef silverside.
  • Pour the stock into the slow cooker and mix the Worcestershire sauce and tomato paste.
        • 1 cup beef stock, one tablespoon tomato puree, one tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
        • Cover the slow cooker with a lid, and cook it on low for 6-8 hours or until the meat can be easily pierced with a fork. I cooked my small joint for 6 hours. You may have to cook it longer for larger joints. You can cook it on for 5-6 hours if you’re in a rush, but I recommend cooking on low.
        • Transfer the meat onto a plate and cover it with tin foil. Let it rest for at least 20 minutes.
        • Serve with roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, and a variety of vegetables.


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