How to thicken a curry

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Are you planning a curry party for your friends or family? A one-pot dish for large groups of guests can be a great idea. The word is easy to make and inexpensive.

You don’t want them to eat a bland curry, do you? If you need to thicken your curry sauce quickly, here are some tips.

What is Curry?

This is a generic term for any saucy, highly seasoned dish that may include meat or vegetables.

Curry’s distinct notes of heat, sweetness, sourness, and spicy have evolved with time in response to regional ingredients, cultural preferences, and regional ingredients.

Each country interprets this spicy, saucy Indian meal differently. British colonialism brought curry to India, where it was transformed with local ingredients.

What makes Indian curry different than Thai curry, Caribbean curry, or Caribbean Curry?

No matter which curry you make, the basic premise remains the same.

What makes curry watery?

If you are expecting guests soon and you notice that your curry looks runny, you can use these factors to determine the cause.

A curry will become thin and runny if you add too much broth or liquid. The sauce may be light or watery if you cook it at a low temperature or for a short time.

When sautéing tomatoes and onions for a curry, you should make sure there isn’t much liquid left and that oil begins to drip out before adding any other ingredients.

When using frozen ingredients, a curry may become watery. Curry can become diluted as the elements defrost.

What is the perfect consistency of curry sauce?

You may already be familiar with the fact that depending on what type of curry you are eating, a good sauce can either be thick or thin.

Currys can be of different origins or types. A Bengali curry, which is often eaten with rice, is generally on the thinner side. Chicken tikka masala is usually served with naan and is very thick.

The typical curry sauce shouldn’t be spread over the entire plate. The sauce must be thick enough to stick to the bread.

You can either pour it over rice and mix it with it or dip your naan/paratha/roti.

How can you tell whether your curry sauce is the right consistency or not?

The “spoon test,” as it is known, can be used to make this determination. The back of the teaspoon should be well coated with sauce when you lift the spoon out.

The base ingredients are onion, tomato, ginger and garlic. Cook the base ingredients, i.e.

In Indian cooking, aromatics such as tomato, ginger, garlic, and onion must be cooked well. The consistency of the curry will be affected by this.

As the aromatics begin to lose their moisture, they combine with spices to create a thick paste. After cooking the paste for 15-20 minutes, an oily layer appears on top.

This oil separation indicates that aromatics and spices are releasing their flavors into the hot oil. This is the “sign of doneness” and essential to creating a delicious curry.

Add Tomato Paste/ Puree

It’s a no-brainer for curry sauces based on tomato.

It is also added to the beginning of cooking, which reduces the cooking time.

If you have too much tomato, you may need to adjust the seasoning or the vegetables.

Using Less Liquid

Vegetable curries are usually thinner.

As the vegetables cook, they release moisture.

Start with less liquid/water. If you want to add more, go ahead. But adding too much can make the curry sauce thin.

How to Thicken Curry Curry?

The type of curry sauce and the stage in which you are cooking will determine the method you choose.

When selecting a method, you should also consider your taste, the time available, and whether or not ingredients are readily available in your pantry.

Simmer or reduce the curry sauce.

The simplest way to reduce the sauce is by simmering the curry sauce. Allow the curry sauce to simmer for longer at a lower heat. This will thicken the sauce and also enhance the flavor.

You must be careful and stir the curry at regular intervals so that it doesn’t burn or scorch.

Cooking without a Lid

When simmering, it is important to keep the pot open. The steam can escape more easily, which will help reduce the sauce faster.

Make a Roux

The roux is a thickener that is made from equal parts of flour and butter.

Melt a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan on medium heat. Add a tablespoon of all-purpose flour to the butter.

Cornstarch (Art)

Starch can thicken curries quickly. Use cornstarch, Arrowroot starch, or both. You can easily find these at home.

You will need to make a slurry before you can use this method. When you add starch to the curry directly, it may clump up and make the curry not smooth.

Yogurt or cream

The addition of cream-dairy ingredients improves the flavor and consistency of sauces.

The thicker Greek or full-fat yogurts work best, as they are the most suitable. The cream and yogurt will also help to balance the spice of the curry.


  • ▢ Curry
  • ▢ Thickening agent


    • You can thicken your favorite thin, runny curry. You can consolidate your famous curry using any of the methods below, depending on your time constraints, the ingredients you have available, and your personal preference.

Simmering/ Reducing

    • Allow the sauce to simmer/reduce at a lower heat for a prolonged period. Stir the curry constantly to prevent it from burning or scorching. When you’re happy with the consistency, stop reducing.

Cooking Without the Lid

    • Allow the pot to simmer while it is left uncovered. This will allow the steam to escape more easily, speeding up the process of reduction.
    • Tip: Use larger/ wider pots/pans. The reduction will happen faster because the pan’s larger surface area will allow for quicker evaporation.

Make a Roux

    • Equal parts of flour and butter are used to make a roux. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan on medium heat. Add a tablespoon of all-purpose wheat flour to the butter. On low heat, cook the mixture until it forms a paste. Continue to cook on low until you get a nutty smell.
    • Continue to stir the curry sauce as you thoroughly mix in this paste. The sauce will thicken as it simmers.

Cornstarch (Art)

    • To thicken your curry, use cornstarch or arrowroot. Prepare a slurry by mixing starch with cold water or curry. The starch can clump if you add it directly to the curry.
    • This should be added at the end of cooking. The sauce will thicken once the slurry has been added and it reaches a boiling point.

Yogurt or cream

    • Add dairy ingredients like full-fat Greek yogurt, cream, or buttermilk. The dairy ingredients can also help to balance the heat of a spicy curry.
    • It should be added in small quantities while constantly stirring at low temperatures. You must be careful not to add the yogurt when the curry is hot. It will cause it to split.

Coconut Milk/ Cream

    • This method works best with Thai, South Indian, and other Asian curries. Do not shake or mix the can before opening it, as the cream will rise to the top. Scoop out the cream and use it, then add any remaining liquid to thin the mixture.

Lentils or Legumes Puree

    • To thicken curries, add around two tablespoons of cooked red lentils. Lentils absorb excess moisture and swell, reducing the sauce.


    • To thicken the curry sauce, add nuts. You will get a thicker sauce and a higher nutritional value. Puree some raw, unsalted nuts into a curry sauce according to your taste. CashewsAlmonds, Or peanuts.
    • Use 1 to 2 tablespoons of smooth cashew butter. Add the nut butter near the end of cooking, right before serving.

Pureed Vegetables or some of their ingredients

    • The sauce can be thickened by adding boiled vegetables or the vegetables from the curry. You can use potatoes, squash, carrots, and other root vegetables.
    • Combine the puree quickly with the remaining sauce on low heat. Vegetables thicken the curry sauce while also reducing and balancing the heat.


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