Slow Cooker Pumpkin Soup

13 minutes, 21 seconds Read

Slow-cooker pumpkin soup is a delicious, easy, and time-efficient recipe. You’ve come to the right place if you want. This is the same as my recipe for slow-cooker vegetable broth. You just dump and go. You simply dump the ingredients for your pumpkin soup into the slow cooker and turn it on. Then, you can forget about it until everything is cooked. This couldn’t be easier!

How to Prepare a Slow-Cooker Pumpkin Soup

It was a question I myself had to ask, as I have never prepared a pumpkin. I’ve done a lot of carving but have never sliced one. Go figure, right?!

It’s actually very easy to do. You only need a sharp knife and some elbow grease. How to cut a pumpkin.

  1. Cut off the top and bottom.
  2. As you work your way around, carefully remove all the skin.
  3. Half the pumpkin.
  4. Use a teaspoon to remove the fibrous strands and seeds from the middle. *
  5. Prepare your pumpkin soup in the slow cooker by cutting it into cubes of 1 inch.

See! Did I not tell you that it was easy? It’s only a matter of figuring out how much effort you have to put in. Once you find your own technique, you’ll be able to complete the steps with ease!

How to store your slow cooker pumpkin soup

You can store slow-cooked pumpkin soup in a few different ways. You can let the soup cool down completely before storing it in the refrigerator and eating it within three days. Reheat in a saucepan over medium heat until piping hot.

You can also freeze it, which is the method I prefer. You just need to let it cool down completely, then divide it into freezer bags or tubs and freeze it. To minimize waste, I freeze mine in small portions. They make great meals for midweek.

You should use your soup frozen within two months. Make sure you let it defrost completely in the refrigerator before reheating. (In a saucepan over medium heat until piping hot.)

These methods can be used for any type of soup. They are not limited to slow cookers. Why not stock your freezer with both my balsamic tomato and red pepper soup and easy carrot honey soup recipes?

How to Make Slow-Cooker Pumpkin Soup

You’ve never made pumpkin soup before. You can use these tips to help you along the way.

  • You’ll likely end up injuring yourself if you just start hacking at your pumpkin without any thought. You can avoid accidents by following the instructions in this article.
  • Avoid buying a large pumpkin. It’s unlikely that it will fit into your slow cooker. You won’t go wrong if you stick to the suggested weight of 1225g unchopped. You can find scales in the vegetable section of most supermarkets and greengrocers. Use them, as it is difficult to judge by eye.
  • Want to make it dairy-free/vegan? Replace the double cream with approximately 150ml coconut milk, soymilk, or almond milk.
  • Would you rather skip the cream? Instead, add 200ml extra vegetable stock to the recipe at the end.
  • Curry powder is essential. The curry powder is not directly detectable in the final product, but it brings out the flavors of the other ingredients.
  • Don’t worry about leaving the slow cooker on low instead of high for a prolonged period of time. Winter vegetables can be quite tough and need a little extra to get them to the right temperature. You will be able to make it work, I promise.

Easy Slow Cooker Pumpkin Soup Recipe

What you’ll need to feed four people

  • 1 x 1225g (2 lb 11 oz) Pumpkin
  • 2 x Baking Potatoes (approx 10cm)
  • 1 x Onion (7cm diameter)
  • Curry Powder 2 tsp
  • 3 Bay Leaves
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1 Litre (4 Cups) Vegetable Stock
  • Double Cream 200ml (1/2 Cup + 1 Tbsp)

Essential Equipment

  • 3.5 Liter Slow Cooker
  • Stick Blender or Food Processor

Prepare the vegetables first. As per the guide I provided earlier in this post, peel, deseed, and cut up pumpkins (x1). Peel, roughly chop, and dice the baking potatoes (x2), and peel/dice the onion (x1). Put it all into the slow cooker with the curry paste (2 tsp), the bay leaves (3 x 3), and generous amounts of salt and pepper.

4 Cups) according to the packet instructions, then pour it all into the slow cooker.

You can now put on the lid, turn it up to high and let it cook for 6-8 hrs.

Do not worry if the liquid looks dry. You’ll find plenty of liquid in the container if you give it a good shake. SO! Take off the lid and fish the bay leaves out. Give it a good shake. All should be soft. Plus, your home will now smell amazing!

It’s now time to puree. You can use a stick-blender (which is what I prefer because it produces fewer pots!) Use a food processor or a stick blender to blitz until the soup is smooth.

Pour in the double cream and stir it well. If you want a vegan or dairy-free soup, replace the cream with 150 ml of coconut milk, soy milk, almond, or almond milk. You can also add more vegetable broth instead.

Last Thoughts about Slow Cooker Pumpkin Soup

You now have a delicious pumpkin soup. There’s just one more thing you need to do. Taste it. Is it in need of a little seasoning? If you feel it needs more seasoning, add it. Then serve it immediately or let it cool down and put it in the refrigerator.

If you want to impress, dot some blobs over the top with soured cream and swirl it around using a cocktail stick. Finish with a sprinkle of coarse black pepper and some parsley. In just 2 minutes, your soup went from PS3 per bowl to PS10 per bowl!

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